Thursday, April 28, 2011

Busy, busy, busy.

Well, it's been awhile again since the last blog. We have had sooo much going on that I want to blog about, but still don't have time or my camera at the moment to do so. (I left my camera at Lily's recital practice and still don't have it back yet....that's how busy we've been). In the next few days I hope to be able to blog about the following......Austin's latest scheme, Fall Creek Falls with the Wilkes and Butlers, Lily's first dance recital, and our first official car (well minivan really) purchase as a married couple (FINALLY). We have also experienced a horrible tragedy here in Dayton...the sudden loss of a little girl in Daniel's Mother's Day Out class. She was fatally injured in a car accident. Our hearts have been sooo heavy for that family. Please, please pray for them. The time has also come for Daniel to have his tonsils and adnoids out. His surgery will be tomorrow morning at 5:30 AM. I have been very anxious today about this whole procedure....mostly the recovery of it. However, the same thoughts that went through my head before Austin's surgery are beginning to re-play themselves today. "What's he going to do when they take him away from us?" "What if there is a complication?"...etc. You know, the things we need to hand over to the Lord. I have been quoting the following verse in my head a lot lately.."Be anxious for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7. It's been quite a comforting verse for me lately....but really always....considering being anxious is what I seem to be able to do with any situation. Anyway...I pray this verse may encourage you today as well; and hopefully I will find more time to blog about the several things I mentioned above. Happy rainy Thursday everyone! And I hope you all were able to stay safe in the storms last night. Also let's be praying for the many families who lost loved ones yesterday as a result of the storms!

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