Hello friends! I know it's been awhile. I wish I had a good excuse, but I really don't know why I haven't blogged in awhile. Probably partly because it's kind of annoying to me.....not blogging itself (I like that)...but the process of it. You know waiting 15 minutes for these 3 pictures to upload onto here....income tax this year will probably be going to a new computer. Also I can't figure out how to blog from my phone (I have tried setting up mobile blog and can't get it to work)....so any of you that may could offer some help in that department would be much appreciated.
ANYWAY....on to why we are here today...our little Lily girl is now wearing glasses! We noticed a few months ago that she was squinting her left eye a lot when watching tv or looking at things far away. So right before we moved we went to the eye doc. He referred her to see a pediatric optometrist, but we couldn't get in to see him before we moved. So, once we got settled in we got another appointment here....took awhile to get it, but that's ok. About a week and a half ago she had her appointment and we found out our little Lily is practically blind...bless her heart. She is very far-sighted in both eyes (+6 in both eyes if any of you know what that means...I didn't) and has astigmatism in her left eye. So off to get glasses we went. Picking them out was quite the process as Lily was determined on a certain pair that were not very practical for her because she said they helped her see better (remember..she's just trying them on so there is no prescription lens' in them). So funny. Needless to say we finally convinced her that any of them would help her see once they fixed them for her. Anyway, Monday they called us to tell us her glasses were ready. So here she is...

We of course headed to Walmart after we got them to get a new case and some cleaning wipes. She absolutely loves cleaning her glasses....

And of course every little girl with glasses needs a princess case...

She has taken so much pride in her glasses and is quite the big girl about taking care of them and wearing them. It's honestly taking me some time to get used to my little girl wearing glasses. But we can already tell she can see so much better. When I look through her lens' I am amazed.....they hurt my eyes and make absolutely everything so blurry. The poor girl really couldn't see!! But thankfully, now she can, and the doc along with several others say her vision does have a chance of improving over the years. Daniel asked me the other night when he got to get glasses. When I told him he didn't need them, he told me that sometimes when he looks at things they are a little blurry. Someone takes after his momma's desire for glasses (I wanted them bad as a kid). So funny.
Well, that's all for now! Hope you have a great Thursday!
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