Well hello again people! Its been WAY too long since I've really posted on here...partly due to the absolute craziness that has been our life the last month and a half. We have painted an entire house, torn up carpet and re-finished floors (partly still working on that, but almost done), packed up everything we own, moved into a new house, traveled over 800 miles to Tennessee (and then 800 miles back), unpacked everything we own, re-covered chairs and re-finished a table, and had a major plumbing mal-function causing us to go without running water for 4 days (I mean nothing...no sinks, toilets, washing machine...nothing)....and all from my 34ish week of pregnancy onward. I am now officially 40 weeks pregnant as of yesterday...and still no baby. Although with everything that's gone on the last several weeks, I have actually been TOTALLY okay with that! And of course, I've been nesting like crazy...really ever since we began the moving process....I figured I needed the extra several weeks. :) So I figured to start off the blogging process again, I'd just throw a few recent pics in here...like the one above of Austin falling asleep in the car and us going into Walmart...and him staying asleep in the buggy. :) And here we have my big ole belly...I can't remember what exact week this was, but my guess would be 37ish...
One night we decided to get the kids all bathed and ready for bed and go out back and make a little campfire and relax out there for our "quiet time" that night....
These boys have been 2 peas in a pod lately....
And we've spent a LOT of time at this place the last few weeks...you can again see a bit of a belly pic in the background...I believe this was this past week's visit, which would have been 39 weeks.
Like I said...these boys...they've also been wrestling a lot lately. I don't know if there brother will be ready for all this action...
So just a few things to begin the catch up process! Things I would like to blog about soon would be: Lily's birthday party, our trip to Tennessee, being 40 weeks pregnant, our new house, and I'm sure some more things I'm forgetting about. In the meantime...I'll probably be having a baby in the next few days, so we'll see how quickly I jump on all that! Here's to a wonderful weekend..filled with getting the house perfect before I go into labor! :)
P.S. If I don't have him by Thursday...I will be induced..so we definitely will be having a baby sometime this week!