Saturday, November 10, 2012

Two Months Old

Well goodness.  Maybe one of these days I'll keep up with this thing like I want to.
Peyton was 2 months old on October 29th.  Ok, confession...this was taken on the 31st...but to my defense...we were preparing for the biggest snowstorm of our lives thus far on the 29th.
 And this was taken a little before the 29th but I wanted you to see the precious smile...
 And this was just taken last night, but I wanted to include it too I really have to explain this one? 
I mean really...does it get more adorable?
So here's a little about Peyton at 2 months...
-He weighed 12lbs even and was 23 1/2 inches long at his 2 month checkup.
-He is smiling!  And it's absolutely adorable.
-He is usually sleeping a good 6 hour stretch at night...but every now and then I'll get 8 hours (he recently slept 8 hours 3 nights in a row, and I thought I was home free....but no such luck).
-He loves to be held and talked to.
-He still loves his bottom patted...especially to go to sleep...(while I still put him to sleep myself that way....b/c I love it so much...I have been making myself let him cry himself to sleep some too).
-He absolutely LOVES going for walks in the stroller.
-He loves baths.
-He hates putting lotion on after a bath.
-When he's held he grabs onto your shoulder or neck.  He really just opens and closes his fist a lot, but its still really cute b/c it feels like he's holding on.
-He spits up a lot and has recently started drooling a lot as well.
-And...I really really think this will finally be my brown-eyed baby!  He's still hanging in there as a blue, but barely.  His eyes are much darker than the other 3 kids' ever were.  (For those who don't know, I have brown eyes and Jason has blue eyes.  All 3 of our other kids have blue eyes.  So I'm slightly hoping I can have at least one child who has my brown eyes).
And I guess that's about it....other than the fact that he truly is such a precious, adorable baby.  The kids are absolutely in love with him...and quite frankly the parents are too!  I love that we had our first 3 kids so close together...I love watching them play and interact together and I love how close they are.  But I also love that I got to take a little break from the baby stage for awhile before Peyton came along.  I feel like I can really appreciate him and enjoy having a baby and all that it entails.  Does life get a little crazy sometimes?  Um..yeah.  Just ask my husband what kind of day yesterday was.  But I love it...and I wouldn't trade it for anything!  So....saying all that to say...Happy 2 months of life Peyton Jay!!  You sure are loved!!

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