Sunday, December 16, 2012

Children's Christmas Program

Tonight was the our Children's Christmas Program at church.  This is always one of my favorite nights of the year in all the churches we've been a part of.  It is one of the most adorably unpredictable nights, and that's exactly what makes it so great.  If you didn't have a few kids say funny things, or do funny just wouldn't be the same.  Have I mentioned how much I love it? Granted...I do have my own precious babies up there and that does sweeten the pot for me too.  :)  Here's the first song they did...Party in the Sky.  It was such a cute song...and I can't explain it, b/c it's a very upbeat song, but when they sang it...I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.  Something about it gets me all choked up.  I don't know if its the adorableness of them up there, or seeing them so happy...or because my own kids are getting so big...or all of the above reasons.  But regardless, I teared...and it was a great song and the kids did a great job...

 About halfway through the song, Lily realized her wings weren't sitting on her back perfectly.  So she was a little preoccupied for a bit...
 And then sweet little Kyle joined all the kids up on the stage.  He hadn't been to any of the practices because he is only 2.  But it absolutely made my night that he walked up there like he owned the stage and joined the big kids.  He is so adorable!

 Singing loud and proud!

  I just loved it.  I loved the kids.  I loved the songs.  I loved the whole program.  Have I mentioned that yet? :)  Merry Christmas!!

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