Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Four Months

Well my little Peyton was four months old on December 29th.  He's such a little angel.  Just see for yourself...

I mean really....how can you get enough of him?  Here's a little about baby Peyton at 4 months:
-He coos ALL the time....loves to talk!
-He loves to be held and talked to.
-He has just started eating cereal...yesterday was his first day actually!  I think he really likes it!
-He is trying to grab EVERYTHING...my phone, my hands, basically anything in front of his precious little face.
-He loves to take a bath.
-He travels VERY well for a 4 month old baby!  We learned that after traveling over 2,000 miles in the span of a week....and the times he cried were very minimal.
-He has just recently found his little feet and is always grabbing at them.
-He absolutely loves his little vibrating clip.  It's portable so we can clip it to the pack and play, the car seat, the bouncer, the swing, the stroller...you get the idea.  He loves it.  And yes it has been clipped to each one of those things more than once!
-He is still sleeping about 7-9 hours at night, although since our big trek to Tennessee he's been getting up occasionally in the middle of the night.  I don't know that he's completely back on schedule.
-He is constantly chewing on his hands and drooling a bunch.  Teething maybe?  I guess we'll soon see!
He is really such a sweet baby...and such a good baby!  I took him to Daniel and Austin's first wrestling tournament last Saturday (post to come) and he was just so good!  We were there from 7:30 that morning til about 5:30 that evening.  He hardly cried and even slept some despite the incredibly loud atmosphere.  We are blessed!  I just love him to pieces and am enjoying him so much!  Here's a couple of pictures to show how much he's grown over the last 4 months...
                                                                    Two months:
                                                                       One Month:
Two weeks:
How does time fly so fast?  And why does it seem keep going faster?  I don't know, but I sure am enjoying the ride!

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