Thursday, May 30, 2013

Homeschooling read it right...I am HOMESCHOOLING!  It was kind of a quick decision when we moved here.  I mean, I had pretty much decided to start it in the fall, but I originally planned on letting them finish the year in school.  But when we got here, the process of getting them enrolled was so complicated that we just decided to go ahead and start now.  Beginning the process was very hard because I had to figure out where to start them.  I had an idea of where they were, but I didn't know exactly.  Plus I have a different curriculum than what they had in school so it goes in a different order and...well you get the picture.  It was challenging.  But,'s awesome!  It's nothing like I thought it'd be and I am really loving it!  We still aren't done for the summer just yet, because we took quite a break waiting for our workbooks to come in...but we shouldn't have too much longer to go!

 Sometimes when Daddy is home while we're doing school he'll come in and help.  Usually I have been trying to explain something for 20 minutes and he will come in and say it slightly different and then the light turns on.  Gotta love that.
I really love homeschooling.  There is nothing like watching their wheels turning and watching the light turn on when they learn something new.  I never thought I'd enjoy it as much as I do.  :)

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