Then we took off. She wanted to go to the Memphis Botanical Gardens and look at all the pretty flowers and go to "My Big Backyard." My Big Backyard has a LOT of fun things for kids to do. They have lots of playhouses, a big playground, a creek/misty rain area for the kids to get all wet and cool off, they have sand pits and tunnels and balance beams and swings and hula hoops....and that is just the stuff to do in My Big Backyard. Elsewhere in the Botanical Gardens you can feed fish and look for dinosaur bones and look at flowers and run and climb and play...basically you can see why Lily wanted to spend her birthday here!
The kids had a blast there! So when we were done there we needed to do Lily's other most favorite thing...swim!
When we finished swimming we headed back to Nana and Grandad's for the party! We didn't have a really big party this year. It ended up just being some family and it was actually quite relaxing. And Lily still had a great time! We made our own pizzas for dinner...

(btw...the woman in the picture above is my 86 year old know...the one with the black hair that she never dyes....hoping for her genes...hoping)
And of course then we had cake and ice cream....
And opened presents....It was such a fun birthday. Lily actually said it was her "best birthday ever!" Music to a mommy's ears! Happy Birthday Lily! We are SO in love with our happy, girly, active, smart, shy little princess! You are beautiful inside and out and we are praying for many more birthdays as we watch you continue to grow into a beautiful young lady! We love you Lily girl!!
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