Every year in May we have the Strawberry Festival here in Dayton. A carnival comes to town for the week; and towards the end of the week various venders and booths set up around the courthouse and sell homemade goodies and all that wonderful carnival food we all love to indulge in. It's great! They usually put up the signs through town advertising it...and every time the kids would see them they'd say..."When is Strawberry Day?" The Saturday of the festival is when they have the big Strawberry Parade. This year our youth group decided to ask for donations to park in our church parking lot to raise money for their youth camp. So the kids and I loaded up on Saturday morning and decided to go hang out with Jason and the youth until the parade started. The boys decided to play some football.
Lily just watched...mostly. I decided that I needed a full length picture of her outfit. Last year we looked for a whole month before the festival trying to find her a strawberry outfit and couldn't. So needless to say when Grandmaw found this outfit and the oh-so-loved-but-very-expensive Gymboree, she got it for Lily. I am in love with it.
It wasn't long before we filled up the parking lot; so then we decided to go on down to the parade. This is Austin's favorite spot.
When the fire engines and ambulances come by, they are many times honking their horns and running the sirens. The kiddos aren't very fond of loud noises.
I had so much fun getting pictures of them that day.
They also had some really big moon bounces that the kids got to bounce around in for awhile. Although Lily didn't get to bounce much because she didn't have any socks and they were too hot on her feet.
And what's a festival and a carnival without cotton candy?
We had to take a little ride on the choo choo....a few times actually. The kids decided that Daddy and Pappy need to build us our own train like this.
All in all it was so much fun. The kids had a blast looking around at everything and playing around. We actually went to the carnival twice that week because the kids loved it so much. And can you believe I have no pictures of them at the carnival....I forgot my camera the first time and it was out of battery the second time. Oh well....but every night since, Lily's prayer request during our family prayer time has been that the carnival would come back. By the way...the Tidwell strawberries (a big local strawberry farm) are DELICIOUS! Happy Strawberry Day! (a month late)