This is Austin. 23 pounds of utter cuteness. This little 2-year-old has the most awesome little personality. He is sweet and funny and outgoing....never meets a stranger. And he gives the tightest hugs with those sweet little arms. One might think with a personality and demeanor like him, that he would be classified as a very easy child. But, au contraire.....this child may be cute and fun......but he is also IN TO EVERYTHING. This child was climbing on top of the kitchen table before he could walk. He has taken a dozen eggs and dropped them all over the floor (twice I might add). He has taken vaseline and rubbed it all over the bunk beds. He has opened the refrigerator, reached onto the top shelf, taken his almost full bottle of antibiotics, opened it (getting past the "child proof" top), and drank the whole thing. He has (if you have a weak stomach skip these next 2 things) reached into the toilet that his brother had earlier gone #2 in...and not flushed...and eaten the toilet paper out of it. And also, has reached his hand into the stream of urine that his older brother was shooting into the potty, and then proceeded to put his hand in his mouth. And I can't count the number of times I have come into the kitchen and found a whole box of cereal on the floor....or walked in the bathroom and found a whole roll of toilet paper un-rolled.....or found a hershey kiss...foil paper and all...in his little mouth. I'm sure there are many more of his little incidents that have (possibly traumatically) slipped my mind at the moment....but you get the idea. So needless to say, when I went into my room a couple of weeks ago and found this.....

And this......

....I shouldn't have been surprised. Granted....this was definately not one of his biggest messes...he only got a few drops on the floor...but the best part, was that at the time of the incident, I had no finger nail polish remover. And since, I have been finding random splotches of fingernail polish on random toys. He's a mess...literally. But, then....who can resist this face....

You've gotta love him!
p.s. On a positive note, this same adorable little boy is, at this very moment, wearing big boy underwear, and has been since 9:00 this morning. And he has yet to have an accident! He is also dehydrated.....(just kidding). He has "pee-peed" in the potty 2 times since! Maybe, just MAYBE, I will soon be free from changing diapers for the first time in 5 and 1/2 years! Whoo hoo!!
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