For the last...well...long time...I've been going through the book of Colossians in my quiet time. For those of you who know me well, since I had all my kids I have had a very hard time keeping a consistent quiet time. But, especially lately, I have felt very convicted about not having consistent time every day with the Lord. I know my life is very busy; but lets face it....if I can make time to sit back and relax to a favorite tv show every night; I can make time for quality time in God's Word!
Anyway...lately I have been sitting down to do my quiet time with a dictionary. I LOVE it! I am constantly amazed at what a greater understanding I have of God's word when I fully understand the meanings of the words I'm reading. I have even started looking up words that I pretty much know what they mean; because I've noticed that sometimes I learn a new meaning...or just gain more insight on it. I sat down and read Colossians 3:12-17. I spent the remainder of my time looking up words in Colossians 3:12. This is what it reads:
"So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
Beautiful scripture....that says so much more than what I am going to share now. But these are the two words I want to point out for now.
gentleness (gentle): well-born; refined in manners; mild; not rough, violent, or wild; soothing
patience (patient): enduring without murmuring; not easily provoked (or irritated); preserving; not hasty
For some time; I have been disappointed in christians and their manners. Just simple things like: how waiters say their least favorite day to work is Sundays because the church people are so rude and don't tip....or how a christian in a workplace doesn't have good work ethic....or how we don't help the elderly because it slows us know...basic manners that even non-christians seem to have, but many of us "christians" don't. I'm sure we are all guilty of doing these things at some time or another (we're all sinners); but some make all too much of a habit of it. But until today, I did not realize how directly scripture deals with having bad manners. Having good manners is part of gentleness! One of the fruits of the Spirit! And patience....I think we all would agree we need more patience...but if any of you know me well; you know that...especially when it comes to my wonderful 3 children...I can definately be easily irritated. And enduring without murmuring....I think all of our churches could stand for us to be a little more like that! Well, anyway...just looking up those simple words was really enlightnening to me. It again, gave me a better understanding of what those words mean; and how often I really do fall short of God's command to "put on a heart" of these things. May the Lord help us all to be more compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient. And may He help us to make a conscious effort to "put on" these things....they don't come naturally in our sinful flesh!
I saw your link on FB! I love that you have a blog too! Colossians is my favorite book of the Bible (probably shouldn't have a fav...but I do!), I enjoyed reading your thoughts. It is difficult to make GOOD time in the Word a priority every day, but so worth it!
Thanks for reading Michelle! Miss you guys! I have really enjoyed Colossians...and don't feel bad about having a favorite book...James seems to be mine! =)
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