Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Little Jordan

Well...we are in Memphis.....again! When I say we...I mean me and the kids. Can I first say...that I love visiting my family. We always laugh and have such a good time when we are all together. That definitely makes our plans completely changing, not quite as disappointing as they could have been. See, Jason is at youth camp this week. He left Monday. I was supposed to be with him. But see, every time I plan to go on a youth trip, something happens...either our kids get sick, their care-giver gets sick, or in this case, their care-giver's child gets sick. My sister, Kathleen, who has 2 children...ages 3 and 18 months....and is 5 months pregnant....wanted to keep my three children (just to remind you...my kids are 5, 4, and 2). Yes, she is crazy....but hey, I had a babysitter. :) Anyway....so Jason and I packed the kiddos up Friday morning and headed to Memphis to drop them off; and Saturday we were supposed to be headed back to Dayton...childless. Well, poor little Jordan has had a little bout with.....well...constipation. It's been awful. Saturday, Jason and I made the decision for me to stay when they battled back and forth whether to take him to the ER. They eventually were told to hold out....but, since then he has been twice....the second time being early this morning which has resulted in him being admitted to the hospital and staying overnight. Bless his little heart....he hasn't slept in 48 hours, and I really don't know when the last time my sister and her husband have slept. Turns out, he was constipated....and also seems to have had some sort of intestinal infection as well, which has caused unbelievable amounts of stomach cramping. We've all felt so bad for him. But, I will say...he's been as cute as a button through it all (when he's feeling halfway decent). Anyway...we are hoping he'll get to not only come home tomorrow, but come home feeling much better. AND...needless to say, I think it was most definitely a good thing I stayed with my children! But I do miss my hubby and getting to hang out with the youth....but who knows, maybe next time....maybe. :)

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