Friday, June 3, 2011

Party Night.....Date Night.

Hello blog friends! It has been some time since I have blogged. And...I still have no pictures for you! BUT...hopefully tonight I will get to blog some about the fun things we've done the last few weeks since I am going to my inlaws (where there is high speed internet). BUT, the most exciting thing about me going to my inlaws this evening is that...........we are leaving our children there! See, my mother-in-law and my kids have these "parties" occasionally. They pretty much consist of them spending the night with her, eating endless amounts of sugar and popcorn, and having no bedtime....pretty much every kid's dream. They get soooo excited when it's time for a sleepover at Grandmaw's (or as Lily has begun to call So anyway, last night when Grandmaw invited them to spend the night, of course they screamed "YEAH!" And then they proceded to tell Jason and I that we were not allowed to come; and that we had to go to bed early. Needless to say, we are devestated. We may even punish ourselves more and sleep in tomorrow morning. So really, the more I am thinking about it...I may not be blogging til tomorrow morning (or lunchtime.....or afternoon) when we pick the kids up. I think we may be out of there before I'll have time to blog. Date night has been waiting for us for far too long this time. We usually try to have a date night fairly regularly, but lately we have been so busy that we haven't. So, all you couples out there....send your kids to their grandparents and go out on a date! It's fun for everyone!

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