This week is FCA camp at Rhea County High School. Basically, it's a sports camp for kids in the community that the high school FCA leaders and teenagers lead. This year our little Daniel is old enough to go.
Basically they divide the kids up into groups; and they rotate between lots of different sports....volleyball, baseball, football, basketball, dodgeball, soccer...and I'm sure I'm missing some. They also have a Bible study time and a worship time. It's such a fun time for the kids and the workers! Tuesday the other 2 kids and I decided to go hang out up there for awhile (Jason has been spending the days up there hanging out with the teenagers and watching Daniel).
However, today...I'm at home with them.....blogging about it. Let's just say that since our kids love to run all over the place....especially right in the middle of a basketball or volleyball game; we decided our time may be better spent at home. (p.s. Do you mom's out there ever feel like you just have those weeks where your kids DON'T LISTEN? I mean they really are good kids most of the time....but then all the sudden they have a week of terror? Well, it's been one of those weeks for us). Ok...just needed to get that out. So FCA camp has been super fun for Daniel! He's definitely not ready for it to be over!

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