Yep...you read it right! We are moving to Oakland, Maryland.....MARYLAND!! I can't believe it! Jason has accepted a position at Deep Creek Baptist Church in Oakland, Maryland! He will be the Associate Pastor of Family Ministries...basically he will be the youth minister and will also oversee the children's ministry.

We are super excited about the opportunity. Jason will be the first youth minister Deep Creek Baptist Church has ever had! There are 2 high schools in Garrett County, and neither one have FCA, Athletes in Action, or any christian clubs. There is very little ministering toward teenagers there at all. But God has been at work in the area over the last several years, and brought lots of children and teens to Deep Creek! So we are greatly looking forward to being able to minister to them and hopefully get some things going for them in their schools too! With that being said, we are also super sad to leave here. This will be the first time we haven't lived by at least one of our families....and the other has always been close. We will now be over 9 hours from Jason's family and 13 hours from mine! We love spending time with our families, so it will be hard for us to be so far away. Also, we are really going to miss the teenagers and their families that we have been so privileged to minister to over the last 22 months. They are awesome...no other way to put it...just awesome! So basically, I am excited, happy, sad, overwhelmed, anxious, and at peace all at the same time! It has been so neat though to watch those wonderful two verses from Philippians 4:6-7 work in my life over the last few weeks. Every time I start to feel anxious about all the change, I have just been quoting those verses..."Be anxious for nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." And it's been amazing how He has given me that peace! So....with all that being said....this is now what our little apartment looks like...