Have I mentioned my youngest child in awhile....you remember, Conan?

(The helmet really belongs to the bear....he likes football). Anyway...well it's been a good couple of weeks since I've felt the need to blog about his mischieviousness. In other words...I was long overdue for a day like Wednesday. While I was taking just a few minutes on the computer, I look down and find this....

This would be almost every puzzle piece of every puzzle we own.....all poured out and mixed up together. That was fun. So, then while I am taking about an hour to sort every puzzle piece out.....basically having to work almost every puzzle to figure out what pieces go to what puzzle, I turn around to look in the kitchen and find this...

Yeah....that's sugar. The picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice. He had sugar in his hair, in his shoes, in his diaper (which btw...I think as of today we are finally out of..whoo hoo!)....and not to mention as you can see all over the counter and floor.

That almost grasps how much sugar we were dealing with here.....but still doesn't do it justice. That child is something else. It's a good thing he's so cute and funny!

And I just thought I'd throw this one in there from a couple of weeks ago, b/c its so funny. He loves him some football!!
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