Well after a full week at my parents in Memphis, we are back home! I am always torn....I LOVE being there and I love seeing my parents and sisters, but it is always good to be home and in my own bed as well (and of course when Jason and Daniel weren't there for the first of the week I missed them like CRAZY)! First off...guess who got to come home Tuesday?!

That's right! Baby Logan got to meet his big brother and big sister this past Tuesday when he got to come home after 9 days in the NICU. Such a blessing; and I know my sister and brother-in-law are so thankful for all your prayers for baby Logan. God is so good! I thought I'd also share a few pictures from our trip last week.

Since we had a lot of kids not feeling well and a woman who had birthed a child 18 hours before we got there, we spent a little more time than usual watching movies (namely Toy Story 2 and Bambi 2).



And after 4 days, I finally got to hold that baby!

We did however, make it to the park a couple of times. There is a park right behind the high school I went to; and it's walking distance from my parent's house. So we try to make a few trips there with the kids when we're in. Austin spends most of his time playing football (but not just at the park...ALL day EVERY day).

Jason and Daniel decided to fly (yes, fly....Daniel got to ride on his first ever airplane) over to Memphis on Thursday night and help us drive back on Saturday! The plan was also to see baby Logan, but considering Daniel couldn't see him b/c he was in the NICU; and then Daniel got sick and only wanted Jason all day Friday...neither of them actually got to see Logan. But we were very thankful and excited to have them there none-the-less! Oh, and in the picture with Daniel is Teddy Spiderman (Daniel got him at build-a-bear)...too cute.
And this is what happens when Jason takes them to McDonald's for breakfast without any mommies.

They turn into Urkel....gotta love it.

Sweet kids. Jason said they were so ready to pose that morning! I love going to Memphis....even when the week is full of sick kids, hospitals, and my poor grandfather who has alzheimer's (bless his heart). We still find a way to have fun! :)
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