It's football time in Dayton!! And oh, buddy...the boys love it!! Last night we went to the Dayton City football game. Austin actually sat in my lap the whole time. I don't think he stopped talking the entire game. "Where's the football?"; "Where's Coach Lane (one of the football coaches that goes to our church...Austin loves him)?"; "Are they going to kick the football?"; "Are they going to throw the football?"; "Where's the cheerleaders?"; "Where's the football?"; "Where's Coach Lane?"; "Where's the football?".....I think you get the idea. Football is the ONE thing we can absolutely count on Austin sitting still to watch....and I mean the one and ONLY thing. I haven't been able to sit and pay attention to a football game in 5 years....and now I have to! Daniel found a few friends from church and pretty much played with them the whole time. He felt so big..(of course when I say play I mean in my sight...I'm not quite ready for him to go where I can't see him). And Lily....well...she does like watching the cheerleaders. But the people in the stands that scream...yeah, she doesn't like that. So she sits by us and plugs her ears the whole time (and then tells us her arms are hurting and she's ready to go home). She's so funny. Anyway, after the game we went out on the field to pray with the team after the game. One of our awesome new youth, Noah, let the boys try on his football helmet.

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