Monday, August 22, 2011

Imitator of Christ

Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

God laid this passage of Scripture on my heart this morning. The question that kept coming to mind was, "can people act/think/live the way I do and be glorifying Jesus with their lives?"

Often times I think we forget as Christians, that we are to be leading others down the path of righteousness. Paul would be the first to say that he was not perfect, as none of us are perfect. But Paul faithfully sought to live his life for the cause of Christ, Galatians 2:20.

The question then is: am I an imitator of Christ? I pray that I will live a life worthy to be reproduced in others. The question is not whether we will reproduce our lives in others, because we ALL impact those around us. The question is: "is what we are reproducing, bringing glory to God?"

If we desire to impact the generations for Christ, we must be passing down a lifestyle that produces Christ-likeness. God's word is always true...we will reap what we sow. As the body of Christ (church)...we will do just that in the generations to come.

His life, His glory!


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