Saturday, August 20, 2011


Well, the time has come for our oldest child to start Kindergarten. I cannot believe it! I can't help but remember the many talks we have had over the years concerning school...Will we homeschool? Will we try and send them to private schools? Will we send them to public schools? Which school district do we need to try to live in?....I don't know how many discussions we've had over the subject in the last 5 years, but I remember the days like they were yesterday when our conclusion would be..."Oh, we've got plenty of time for that." And here we are! I'm still just amazed. Anyway...the schools here in Dayton are great; so Monday, August 8th we went to Dayton City School to meet Daniel's teacher. I felt like it was my first day of school. I was nervous and choking back the tears. But also so excited for him...he felt like such a big boy! The following Wednesday was his first whole day of school. If you can believe it, I completely forgot to take a picture of him before school! I was so mad at myself. But I made up for it after school! Here his class is walking to where we pick him up.
He told me to take a picture of him with his backpack like this so I could see his face and his backpack (which has Superman, Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern). Totally cool.

Here's the first note his teacher sent home. It may have been a little crazy to include this, but what can I say...I'm a proud momma!
He came home very talkative about everything they did and all about his day. It's probably wishful thinking to say I hope he always does....but what's wrong with wishful thinking? :) I think he had a lot of fun!
So far he has just been phasing in. So, he's only been a total of 2 full days and one half day for the last 2 weeks. But Monday starts full force. He will go every day from 7:50 - 2:00! I'm so excited for him, but still am simply amazed at how fast the time has gone by! I am sad to see him go (I keep hearing once school starts the time really flies), but I can't wait to see all the wonderful things he is going to learn this year and how much he is going to mature. Welcome to the school years sweet Daniel!

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