Monday, August 8, 2011

Not Ashamed ~ Psalm 119:41-48

I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings and shall not be ashamed.

Psalm 119:46

There are many things in life that scare us; heights, darkness, tight places, snakes, etc. Esp. in the USA, what scares us about being bold for Christ? Why do we allow people's opinions about us dictate so much of what we do or don't do? How often do we encounter a majestic God and keep that experience hidden from family and friends? I think sharing the gospel (and experience of God) with others is similar to swimming. My oldest son is learning to swim without water wings. The more he practices the better he gets. I wonder if the same is true with sharing Christ with others...the more we shared the easier it would become? After reading the book of Acts, I believe this is true. In Acts we see the faith of the Christians grow with each chapter. Their fear of death, pain and persecution melts away.

If we spend our days waiting to "magically" become bold for Christ...we'll be waiting for a long time. Our boldness will come from living out Christ's command to share Him with the nations. As we seek to live out God's Word, He'll empower us with boldness by the Holy Spirit. Let us trust Him as we proclaim Him.

HIS life, HIS glory!


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