Sunday, August 7, 2011

Products of Lifestyle ~ Psalm 119:33-40

Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You.

Psalm 119:38

Everything produces a result. The activities we choose to participate in will produce a specific outcome in our lives. If we desire to have reverence/respect/love towards God, then His Word needs to be established in our hearts. What are the activities/focuses of your life producing? What outcome do you desire for your life? If you desire a life that is pleasing to God, it must be established (rooted) in God's Word.

Notice that David refered to himself as "Your servant". How do you view yourself? A servant was the lowest of positions in the times of King David. Are you humble enough to be considered a servant? Are you willing to do the work of a servant? A servant belongs to his/her master and responses to their every command. Are you a faithful servant of Christ?

HIS life, HIS glory!


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