Merry almost Christmas! I am getting pretty excited! I am pretty much done with my Christmas shopping...and wrapping! Just a few more things to pick up and wrap...a little bit of caroling to do this weekend...a candlelight service to go to....a 4am wake-up call on Christmas morning....and then off to Tennessee!! Whoo hoo! I'm excited! Have I mentioned that yet? I didn't think so.
Meanwhile, we've been going about life as normal. This week...between school Christmas parties, wrestling, and the usual fixing dinner, laundry, dishes, baths, changing diapers, baby feeding, etc., etc., etc., I have felt at every moment of the last 3 days that I always have about 6-10 things I could be doing. It has been a little overwhelming at moments, but today I paused for just a moment, in our extremely cluttery house, and reminded myself that my kids are only young once...and that if they are loved and taken care of that's still a successful day. It really is ok that the house looks like a tornado came through. That being said...after getting the kids from school and finding out neither had any homework...I took the hour we had before church started and zipped around the house like a crazy woman at least putting everything in its place. does feel better not having everything everywhere. In the middle of all the craziness, we did have a little battle one morning with our little Austin. He doesn't like all. So we decided to try the ole'...go on to bed now and you can just eat it for breakfast in the morning...trick. Austin, of course, very much lives in the he wasn't thinking much about how horrible eating it for breakfast would be. But he found out...

But we followed through! He almost threw up several times while eating it, but he did it! And now I am very temped to never fix spinach least for a long time....of course, I will...I'm just tempted. :)
And here's my precious baby...the poor guy has really had a battle with cradle cap, but we got some special cream and some medicine and already after one day we are looking MUCH better!
I've also been getting lots of these special letters lately. This one was from Daniel (Btw...on the inside there was a little note that said..."I like you" in it). Melt my heart!
Love him...
So, there's life for us in a couple of days...I feel like this post was a little all over the place, but that's ok. It'll be so much fun to look back on a year from now and read. :)