Yesterday was a big day for the Heath family!! First of all little Daniel had his first big field trip to the ImagineOcean! It was a puppet show of ocean creatures done with black lights. Daniel was hilarious! All week he had been talking about this trip. His teacher had told the class they had to be at school about 20 minutes early, would not have time to eat breakfast at school, and needed to pack a lunch that day. Let me first say...that Daniel usually rides the bus to school (so he is usually already at school 20 minutes early), and about 95% of the time he takes his lunch to school. He does eat breakfast at school usually (it's free and he loves eating there), so out of her 3 instructions...only one altered his usual school schedule. However, Daniel felt it very necessary to remind us about each and every instruction. The night before he kept saying, "Daddy, we have to get up really early tomorrow, because I have to be at school early!!!" Jason kept asking, "Do you want me to take you to school?" He kept saying, "No, daddy...Ms. Spencer said she'll wait on the buses." It never dawned on him that Jason could get him there at the same time or before the buses. I didn't get much sleep the night before, so I was still in bed while he was getting ready. He came in almost 30 minutes early to hug me goodbye. It was so cute watching him be so anxious and excited about his big day. This time they said there was not enough space or tickets for parents to join, so I didn't get to go with him. However...Thursdays are Jason's day off, so we decided to take the other two kids and go on an adventure of our own! There is no mall in the city we live in...the closest mall is about 45 minutes away, but it's really small. So we decided to take a 2 hour trek to Hagerstown, MD to the big mall! Lily and Austin were super excited about going to the mall! Especially Lily...the night before Lily said.."I have a question. I need to buy some new clothes at the mall. The kind of clothes I want are like pretty dresses....and I also need to buy some shoes that I don't already have." We were sitting there wondering where the question was. That child is ALL girl! So needless to say, Wednesday night the kiddos were very eager to go to bed (for once)! Here are some of the shoes Lily thought were pretty...

And Austin found some he liked too...

However these shoes were at the Finish Line....which means they run about $45. That wasn't happening. I think we went into every shoe store in the mall. And every time Jason went into a store he liked Lily would say, "Can we just go into a girl store?" That child loves the mall....she even walked the entire time in time without complaining. At the end we found a little play place and let them play for a little while before lunch...

And then we had lunch.....

At LONGHORN!! Oh, yes! Wild West Shrimp as an appetizer (oh my word...YUM), salad with honey mustard dressing, loaded baked potato and grilled chicken with a stuffed portabella mushroom on top. Ok, so don't worry, I didn't clean my plate. And of course, we shared the appetizer. But I will say, one thing I LOVE about being pregnant, is not having to suck my tummy in after eating a big meal! :) Here is Austin waiting patiently for his mac-n-cheese and salad!

Their food came with some orange slices...they got a little silly with those...

And then while Jason got a few things at Lifeway, the kids and I decided to go to the beloved Target. We of course looked at clothes! And I looked at adorable baby clothes and thought before too long I will be buying something like this....

Or this.....

Oh my goodness, so cute. You would think clothes shopping would be boring for kids. But not Lily! Even Austin was super excited about a pair of shorts he wanted! Here is what our buggy looked like after about 5 minutes...

Yep..they are all "pretty dresses." Of course we were not buying all these dresses. I told Lily she could put them all in and then pick her favorite out of all of them to buy. And she did great! She was totally fine with putting all the other ones back. So a full day of shopping! Each boy got a superhero shirt and a pair of athletic shorts and Lily got a Hello Kitty shirt, a pair of shorts, and a little sun-dress. Daniel was super excited about what we brought him home...and he had a wonderful time on his field trip. It ended up being a very fun day...and we were all ready to crash when we got home (some more than others). :)
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