Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Jordan!

One of my little nephews Jordan turned 4 years old yesterday!  We planned a sort of last minute trip to Tennessee to visit our families while Jason was at youth camp.  And on this trip, it was going to work out for us to make it to the birthday boy's party.  However due to difficulties with our car, our trip was cancelled.  So, we weren't able to make it to the party.  It was definitely a disappointment.  But I came across this picture of the birthday boy and just had to share it!  Hope you had a great birthday Jordan!  We miss you!
P.S. I do realize (b/c I am OCD like that)....that I've never given Daniel the proper blog about his birthday (which was back in December btw).  My camera card that has the pictures from his little party is currently missing.  So one of these days you will probably get a random post about a sweet little boy's birthday back in December.  It will probably be after we move into our new house this summer....because I am praying that the card will turn up when we start packing up.  Ok, that is all! :)

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