Friday, June 29, 2012

Catching up.....Again...

Yes...I am still here!!  Wow have things been busy lately.  For starters, Jason went to youth camp last week...and he took our cell phone charger with him.  Well, that's what I use to download all my pictures onto here...SO I couldn't blog.  And this week has been VBS week...and well, I don't have to tell most of you how busy VBS week is! last week, like I said, Jason went to youth camp.  The kids and I were originally going to take a trip to Tennessee, but we had some issues with our car that prevented us from being able to go, so for the first time was just me and the kiddos for a whole week!  I was a little nervous about it, but we ended up staying pretty busy, and we managed pretty well!  Here are a few pics from our week at home without Jason...
 It is VERY rare for my children to fall asleep in the car anymore (especially Lily).  But of course, this day, Lily and Austin both fell asleep about 3 minutes before we got to the store we needed to go in.  That was fun.
 The Monday that Jason was gone was Lily's 5th birthday!!  Since he was out of town we decided not to have her party that day.  But some sweet friends from church came by and surprised Lily for her birthday with a little play-date!  She was so surprised and it was a lot of fun.  But now that Daddy's home and VBS week is coming to a close, tomorrow is party time!
 Since Jason left on Father's Day, we decided to wait and give him his presents when he got back.  The kids made him a wooden airplane (with my help), and painted it (that they did by themselves). 
 We went back to the CARC center and swam one day.
 And this would be the outfit that Austin must wear everyday.  The shirt is almost too small, but according to him its the only shirt he has that really fits him.  And he must have the shirt tucked into the shorts and the shorts rolled up.  You've gotta love 3 year old boys who are picky about their clothes...
 Enjoying a healthy snack...berries were buy 1 get 2 free!!!
 This would be the black eye that Lily gave Austin.  She hit him with a baseball bat because he wouldn't move out of the way.  I was not in the backyard with them when this happened, so I don't know if she saw him and swung anyway, or if she didn't see him.  Either could easily be the story...
 Austin found a frog!

 My big boy and his lego creation...
So there you have it.  A few snapshots of our week.  I hope you had a great week as well.  Oh...and Wednesday began my last year in my 20's....we celebrated my 29th birthday.  It was fun and I got to eat a really ymmy lunch at Chili's...that ended with Molten Chocolate Cake.  It's not often that the person with the birthday offers that information to the waitor...unless she's pregnant and knows they give you a free dessert if it's your birthday and they sing to you...then she does.  :)  Ok, well that's all for now!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  VBS and Lily's birthday party pics to come soon!

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