Sunday, February 3, 2013

Five Months Old

Howdy folks!  Let's forget the fact that this is the first time I've posted on here in almost a month.  Ok thanks. :)  So in the last month, Peyton has gone from 4 months to 5 months....that tends to happen in that amount of time.  He is such a precious little bundle of joy. 

Poor baby has been sick with the flu this week, so I haven't gotten very many pictures of him.  Mostly because I'm holding him constantly.  But here's a little about little Peyton at 5 months (he was 5 months on January 29th, btw)...
-He loves to smile. 
-He loves his big brothers and big sister.
-He probably could roll over, but he really doesn't b/c I don't think he cares a bit about it. 
-He is getting very close to sitting up.
-He has been a very good sleeper until he's gotten sick.
-He grabs at everything!
-He loves for you to let him stand when you're holding him.
-He still loves to be talked to and paid attention to...which is usually not a problem in this house.
-He loves to be carted around in the baby backpack...facing out of course.
-He is weighing about 15 pounds now...about the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for height.
-He still loves the bath!
Overall, he is just a very happy baby!  We all love him very much.  The kids are constantly saying, "I'm so glad we have a little baby!"  They also add that they never want him to grow up.  He's a doll.  And I may kiss his cheeks so many times that they might just fall right off his face.  Happy 5 months Peyton!!

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