Sunday, February 10, 2013


Daniel and Austin have been wrestling this winter.  It has been so incredibly adorable watching them.  And I might add, it is a very intense sport to watch.  I have about a million videos of each of the boys wrestling and maybe one day I'll post one, but it takes a very long time to post a video on here, so that will have to come later. 

So far they have wrestled in 3 tournaments.  Now, mind you...these tournaments are ALL DAY LONG.  Like we get there around 6 or 7 in the morning and aren't done sometimes until 5 that evening.  But, the kids have done great being there all day!  At these tournaments, Austin has earned two 2nd place trophies and Daniel has earned one 3rd place trophy and one 4th place trophy.  They are so proud of them...
 Lily wanted in on some of the action...

...and so am I.  They are mantle worthy (one is Daniel's baseball trophy)!

 They will have one more tournament next weekend that they'll attend and then that will probably be it for the year.  It really has been so cute watching them out there, and watching them learn.  I'm so proud of my boys!

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