Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Tuesday

Hello blog friends...all of you. How about this cold weather?! I, for one, am NOT a fan! I've been wanting for about a month now, to plant a few flowers and a few herbs in some baskets over our porches. I really loved doing a full-fledged garden last year, but since we live in an apartment this year, it is obviously not possible. Anyway, I finally got to buy the stuff Monday night, so yesterday afternoon we planted it. I never expected, in the middle of May, to be planting flowers and herbs with long pants on...and a long sleeved shirt.....AND a jacket. It was so cold!

Anyway....Jason took his day off yesterday; and we felt like doing something fun with the kids. So after Daniel got done with school and we finished planting; we decided to pack the kids up and go down to the aquaruim. The kids had a blast! And since it costs $25 per adult and $15 per child (3 and above)....meaning it would cost us $80 to go....and the 1 year membership is only $115, we decided to buy the membership! Soooo....we now can go to the aquarium ANY time we want...for free (kinda)! I am super excited about that! I told the kids that they could ask me anytime to go see the fish; and as long as we didn't have plans, we would go. They asked today if we could go. I think we are going to get our money's worth. Anyway...I don't have any pictures because I keep forgetting to charge our camera! But now, I'll have all year to take pictures of them there! Anyway...Happy COLD Wednesday! I think it's finally supposed to warm up tomorrow!


Unknown said...

I miss you guys! Tell the kids I say hello!

Unknown said...

We miss you too Paul! Hope we get to see you guys soon!