Saturday, July 13, 2013

We're Moving Again?

 Three and a half years ago we moved from this house.  In that three and a half years we have moved five times....
January 2010-to Jason's mom's house
November 2010-to our apartment in Dayton
November 2011-to Maryland
July 2012-to the church's parsonage in Maryland
April 2013-to my parent's house
Now...three and a half years later, in July of 2013 we have just finished our 6th move...back to this sweet house!  I cannot believe I am even writing this!  Never when we moved back to this area 3 months ago would I have thought that we'd end up serving again at Beaver Baptist Church!  Jason will be leaving Chick-fil-A and be joining the team at Beaver again as an Associate Pastor.  He will be overseeing youth, young adults, and missions.  We could not be more excited about the opportunity to be back!  One of the hardest things about moving so much over the last three and a half years has been saying goodbye.  I know had we not said those goodbyes, we would have never met the next set of people that we were sad to say goodbye to, but you get the idea.  At each and every church we've been blessed to serve alongside, we have left some very dear, sweet people behind.  It is such a blessing to be able to return to one of those churches and serve alongside the dear, sweet people of Tipton County again! 

Well, since the move is just an hour north of here we've kinda taken our time moving...which has been nice.  A week and a half ago we took the majority of our things up to the house.  The kids were a huge help...

 Especially this little cutie...

 We also had quite a few helpful hands from family and friends...

Then Wednesday we took our dressers and things we were still using here at my parents house out to the house.  And tonight we are taking the final load and will be officially living there!  We are just thrilled!  Jason and I weren't married yet when we started at Beaver the first time.  So when we got married, he brought me home to that house.  I brought my first three children home from the hospital to that house.  My cousin, Amber spent her last afternoon on this earth with me in that house.  That house holds a special place in my heart and I am just excited to be back!  And we are excited to see what God has in store and how He is going to use Beaver Baptist Church in our community! 


Alycia said...

The Horner family sure does miss you guys here in Maryland. We love you all and hope things are going great for you guys.

Unknown said...

Things are going good but we really miss our Horners too!! Now that we have our house we're expecting a visit!!! 😉 Love you guys!!!

Unknown said...

Those two boxes are supposed to be a smily face. Lol.