Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back Home.

Well after a full week at my parents in Memphis, we are back home! I am always torn....I LOVE being there and I love seeing my parents and sisters, but it is always good to be home and in my own bed as well (and of course when Jason and Daniel weren't there for the first of the week I missed them like CRAZY)! First off...guess who got to come home Tuesday?!

That's right! Baby Logan got to meet his big brother and big sister this past Tuesday when he got to come home after 9 days in the NICU. Such a blessing; and I know my sister and brother-in-law are so thankful for all your prayers for baby Logan. God is so good! I thought I'd also share a few pictures from our trip last week.

Since we had a lot of kids not feeling well and a woman who had birthed a child 18 hours before we got there, we spent a little more time than usual watching movies (namely Toy Story 2 and Bambi 2).



And after 4 days, I finally got to hold that baby!

We did however, make it to the park a couple of times. There is a park right behind the high school I went to; and it's walking distance from my parent's house. So we try to make a few trips there with the kids when we're in. Austin spends most of his time playing football (but not just at the park...ALL day EVERY day).

Jason and Daniel decided to fly (yes, fly....Daniel got to ride on his first ever airplane) over to Memphis on Thursday night and help us drive back on Saturday! The plan was also to see baby Logan, but considering Daniel couldn't see him b/c he was in the NICU; and then Daniel got sick and only wanted Jason all day Friday...neither of them actually got to see Logan. But we were very thankful and excited to have them there none-the-less! Oh, and in the picture with Daniel is Teddy Spiderman (Daniel got him at build-a-bear)...too cute.

And this is what happens when Jason takes them to McDonald's for breakfast without any mommies.

They turn into Urkel....gotta love it.

Sweet kids. Jason said they were so ready to pose that morning! I love going to Memphis....even when the week is full of sick kids, hospitals, and my poor grandfather who has alzheimer's (bless his heart). We still find a way to have fun! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Logan Christopher Sawyer....September 18, 2011

This is our nephew Logan! I know it seems I am posting about babies a lot; but in the last 2 months our kids have gotten two new baby cousins! Little Logan is my sister's newest addition...her 3rd born. Now Debbie (my sister-in-law....who the last post was about) spaced her kids out a little more...Lucy (her oldest) is 5 and Andy is almost 3. Kathleen...well I guess she wanted to be like me b/c her oldest, Jordan, is 3, and her little girl, Ashlynn, is 20 months (and she had boy, girl, boy like me too). What can I say....she loves me....or we're both crazy. :) Anyway...Logan decided to come on Sunday evening when we were on the way back from south Georgia (that is where Clint and Debbie live). So needless to say; I didn't make it to Memphis in time for his birth. :( But Lily, Austin, and I took off Monday morning to come see him.

Little Logan was born at 36 weeks (4 weeks early) and weighed 5lbs. 7oz. And he has had to be in the NICU. He is ok, but they have to monitor him. And b/c he is all hooked up I have yet to be able to hold him....that's hard. I want to hold him!! :)
Proud parents!
The girls with the baby!
Isn't he just precious?! I can't wait to get ahold of him...have I mentioned that yet? We are so excited for new cousins! Our kids LOVE babies!! Welcome baby Logan!

Ruthy Amelia Heath...July 11, 2011

I have been wanting to post pictures of this precious baby for some time....but you know me...I get behind. This is our little niece Ruthy, born July 11, 2011 at 5lbs and 1oz. She is Clint and Debbie's 3rd child (Jason's brother and his wife) and she shares the same birthday as Jason's mom! What a birthday present! Jason's mom was actually down there waiting for baby Ruthy to be born since Clint was sent to Oklahoma (he is in the army) for a 3 month training school. It was a good thing she was there b/c this little blessing came 6 weeks early!
Lucy and Andy love to help feed their new baby sister.

Isn't she just precious?!

We got to go down and visit them briefly this past weekend and she has gotten soooo big!! (I'm so mad that I didn't take any pictures). And our kids are so excited about having a new baby cousin. (Lily is especially excited she is a girl). It's so much fun getting to hold a new baby! Welcome to the Heath Family baby Ruthy (a few months late) :)!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The story of the Paralyzed Man....Superhero style

This is a story I have been wanting so share for a little while now, but know the drill. I don't always have an opportunity to blog. Anyway, we were sitting out on the porch one Saturday morning and I found Daniel and Lily acting out the story of the man who was paralyzed and his four friends carried him on a pallet to the house where Jesus was teaching. Since they couldn't find a way to Jesus they carried their friend to the roof and cut a hole in the roof so they could lower him down to Jesus. was so cute watching them re-inact this....with superheros.
The red bucket was the house. It happened to be my turn to teach their class the night we learned this lesson in church, so we made these little pallets out of popsicle sticks.
Of course when I started taking pictures, they kinda went crazy and wanted all the superheros in there.
Oh and my favorite....this is God and Jesus. (The white one represented God and the orange one represented Jesus).
I love when I catch the kids playing cute together. And I especially love when I catch them talking about a Bible story they have learned....or when they tell me all about what they learned in church. It's so fun to teach them about Jesus and watch them learn.
Oh, and case you didn't know how to run really fast, here's how. It's all in the hands. :)
And p.p.s....If you ever want an apple....just climb on the counter and help yourself. :)
Have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Conan the Destroyer

I just really needed to share a quick note about my day yesterday. I remember thinking yesterday morning...this is a great day..the kids were being so good...we were getting a lot done. Then yesterday afternoon hit...or more appropriately...Conan the Destroyer hit! (That's Jason's grandfather's name for Austin). Yesterday he ripped through the house full force! He began with getting the pitcher of pink lemonade out of the fridge. He wanted more, so he figured he'd just get it out and bring it to me. The problem is the lid on the pitcher is not quite as spill proof as...say...a gallon of milk. So as he's trying to give it to me, the cold pink lemonade is pouring down his legs and all over my floor. Then, while I'm upstairs trying to get the mountain of laundry that I always seem to have put up, I hear Daniel say, "Austin peed all over the couch and it got on my arm!" The child had taken his diaper off and peed all over the couch and floor beside the couch. Even his hair and face were wet. It was fun. THEN, to end the night, he got ahold of the vaseline again and rubbed it all in his hair. I have no idea what his facination with vaseline is, but at least by then Jason was home; and I graciously let him handle that one! He's been so good lately about not making major messes....I guess I pay for that with a day like yesterday! It's a good thing that child is soooo incredibly cute (and might I say....he really is)!! Gotta love Conan! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Guess where we got to go Saturday?!
You guessed it!! Tennessee v.s. Cincinatti....14th row....yup, that was us!!!
There are some very nice people at our church that have UT season tickets on the 14th row....with padded the shade...jumbo-tron directly in front of get the idea...they were GREAT seats! Anyway, Mr. Denton came to Jason early last week and asked him if we would like to use their tickets Saturday since they couldn't go. And considering my husband is a die hard football fan...especially when it comes to the Volunteers (and I really like football too)....he accepted the generous offer. AND, we got an afternoon/evening away to ourselves after our very emotional couple of weeks (I actually ended up having a tubal pregnancy...long story).
TOUCHDOWN!!! Anyway, we had a blast! We love Tennessee football! And we just can't thank the Denton's enough for letting us use their tickets! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Tuesdays and Thursdays

This has been my date on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Is he cute or what? (I'm not biased or anything). With Daniel in Kindergarten and Lily in Mother's Day's just me and Austin on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We try to come up with fun things to do. One day we watched the office while the church staff had staff meeting.
And one day, we went to the park for a little while.
I told him that I couldn't lift him up on the monkey bars. So, he decided to climb up to the top by himself....totally in character for Austin. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was.
We've been trying to have some fun while the other kids are at school. And I've really enjoyed getting to spend some one on one time with him.
Oh, and p.s.....there's just no easy way to say this. I announced on here that we were going to have a 4th baby. Well, we found out earlier this week that I have lost the baby. I have miscarried once before; but it's just no fun. But God has been good to us in spite of it all! He has truly given us great comfort in knowing that He has a plan for us. I sometimes just don't understand miscarriage; but He does. I am thankful that He has given us the grace to know that. And I thank all of you who have been praying for us through this....I can really feel that people have been praying!
Well, anyway...I best be going! It's almost tailgate time! (I told you we loved football!!)

Football Games

It's football time in Dayton!! And oh, buddy...the boys love it!! Last night we went to the Dayton City football game. Austin actually sat in my lap the whole time. I don't think he stopped talking the entire game. "Where's the football?"; "Where's Coach Lane (one of the football coaches that goes to our church...Austin loves him)?"; "Are they going to kick the football?"; "Are they going to throw the football?"; "Where's the cheerleaders?"; "Where's the football?"; "Where's Coach Lane?"; "Where's the football?".....I think you get the idea. Football is the ONE thing we can absolutely count on Austin sitting still to watch....and I mean the one and ONLY thing. I haven't been able to sit and pay attention to a football game in 5 years....and now I have to! Daniel found a few friends from church and pretty much played with them the whole time. He felt so big..(of course when I say play I mean in my sight...I'm not quite ready for him to go where I can't see him). And Lily....well...she does like watching the cheerleaders. But the people in the stands that scream...yeah, she doesn't like that. So she sits by us and plugs her ears the whole time (and then tells us her arms are hurting and she's ready to go home). She's so funny. Anyway, after the game we went out on the field to pray with the team after the game. One of our awesome new youth, Noah, let the boys try on his football helmet.
Austin thought he was BIG stuff then. We've got to get the boy a football helmet....(he sleeps every night with his little football; his baseball hat; and if we let him...Daniel's old cleats that are too big for him).
So then Daniel gave it a try too. They are so cute! And below I've included a few pictures that I took at the last Dayton City game. The Sweatbee is one of our youth too...but, sshhh!...don't tell!
I loved this picture too. :)
We are looking forward to many more football games this season! We love football! Now if we can just get some cooler weather to go with it!!