Monday, August 22, 2011

Imitator of Christ

Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:1

God laid this passage of Scripture on my heart this morning. The question that kept coming to mind was, "can people act/think/live the way I do and be glorifying Jesus with their lives?"

Often times I think we forget as Christians, that we are to be leading others down the path of righteousness. Paul would be the first to say that he was not perfect, as none of us are perfect. But Paul faithfully sought to live his life for the cause of Christ, Galatians 2:20.

The question then is: am I an imitator of Christ? I pray that I will live a life worthy to be reproduced in others. The question is not whether we will reproduce our lives in others, because we ALL impact those around us. The question is: "is what we are reproducing, bringing glory to God?"

If we desire to impact the generations for Christ, we must be passing down a lifestyle that produces Christ-likeness. God's word is always true...we will reap what we sow. As the body of Christ (church)...we will do just that in the generations to come.

His life, His glory!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Walking and Bike Riding

I have suddenly been more motivated to start walking. I started this past Monday. Since that day none of the kids were in school, I decided to take their bikes and let them ride while I walked.
The boys really enjoyed it, but after we got all of about 30 feet from the car Lily started saying her legs hurt. So we ended up going back to trade her bike for the stroller. Anyway, I have walked every day this week. I am thinking this is what suddenly motivated me....
I'M PREGNANT!!! That's right! We are having baby #4!! Whoo hoo! We found out on Sunday, and since this is will be my 4th baby, I figured I should get a head start on trying NOT to show before I am 2 months. :) However, it is awefully hard to get a good walk in when we are stopping every 5 seconds to "check out" (as Daniel kept saying) these old train tracks that run alongside part of the walking track.
They were so funny. We haven't taken the bikes every day (one day I had all 3 kids in the double stroller...that was a pretty breathy walk), but it's a good way to change it up every now and then. I hope I'll be able to keep up the walking all through this pregnancy. Oh, and by the way, Lily has already told us that if the baby is a boy, she will not be helping us or holding him or loving him. She really wants a sister. Yay for babies!! (And walking and biking).

Our Dresser

Ok, so I've been wanting to post this for some time, but just have never gotten around to it. When we moved into our apartment and put our cream-colored dresser next to our very khaki walls, I thought...I want to paint this. Let me first say, that I think I have had this dresser since I was maybe 5-ish. When I was a teenager we updated the color to the solid cream (I can't really describe what it used to be, but it was very 80's/little girl-ish). Anyway, so when we moved into the apartment it was winter.....not ideal for painting. So finally a couple of weeks ago, I had a free day, and decided to paint it. I forgot to get a good "before" here's one of the drawers.
When we lived in our old house in Brighton, I took some oil-based black paint, broke all the rules of painting, and painted it straight onto our bathroom cabinet (no scraping or sanding). I loved it. So I decided to do the same with our dresser. I don't know why, but I love black painted furniture. After I was finished, Daniel helped me put the hardware back on. He did a great job!
And here you have it...the finished product!
For the most part, I am very pleased. One thing I did forget to do was wipe down the drawers good before I painted...I remembered the top of the dresser, but forgot the drawers. In person, I can tell, but I'm also pretty picky. Anyway....the black definitely looks way better next to the walls! Plus...I feel like I have a new dresser, but only paid $5 for the can of paint to paint it with!! Gotta love that! My next project is Lily's dresser....we are thinking purple. We'll see...that is for another day!


Well, the time has come for our oldest child to start Kindergarten. I cannot believe it! I can't help but remember the many talks we have had over the years concerning school...Will we homeschool? Will we try and send them to private schools? Will we send them to public schools? Which school district do we need to try to live in?....I don't know how many discussions we've had over the subject in the last 5 years, but I remember the days like they were yesterday when our conclusion would be..."Oh, we've got plenty of time for that." And here we are! I'm still just amazed. Anyway...the schools here in Dayton are great; so Monday, August 8th we went to Dayton City School to meet Daniel's teacher. I felt like it was my first day of school. I was nervous and choking back the tears. But also so excited for him...he felt like such a big boy! The following Wednesday was his first whole day of school. If you can believe it, I completely forgot to take a picture of him before school! I was so mad at myself. But I made up for it after school! Here his class is walking to where we pick him up.
He told me to take a picture of him with his backpack like this so I could see his face and his backpack (which has Superman, Batman, Flash, and Green Lantern). Totally cool.

Here's the first note his teacher sent home. It may have been a little crazy to include this, but what can I say...I'm a proud momma!
He came home very talkative about everything they did and all about his day. It's probably wishful thinking to say I hope he always does....but what's wrong with wishful thinking? :) I think he had a lot of fun!
So far he has just been phasing in. So, he's only been a total of 2 full days and one half day for the last 2 weeks. But Monday starts full force. He will go every day from 7:50 - 2:00! I'm so excited for him, but still am simply amazed at how fast the time has gone by! I am sad to see him go (I keep hearing once school starts the time really flies), but I can't wait to see all the wonderful things he is going to learn this year and how much he is going to mature. Welcome to the school years sweet Daniel!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mother's Day Out!

Well, the time has come. My little Lily girl is 4, and it's her year to start pre-school....well technically; Mother's Day Out. Our church has a MDO program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They sing, learn Bible stories, do lots of activities, and learn lots of fine motor skills. It's been the perfect balance to me as far as...them learning what they need to learn before Kindergarten and me not having to send them away all day every day a year before I have too. :) Anyway...yesterday was Lily's first day; and let me say...she was THRILLED! She told me the night before that she was SOOO excited!
She loved the backpack we found for her. It has 5 princesses on it...and Rapunzel is one of them (as she says). And, for those of you out there that don't know, it's not easy to find things with Rapunzel and some of the other Disney princesses on usually get one or the other. So this was a big find!
Here she is in her class. They played with playdough as all the kids were arriving.
Anyway....when we picked her up yesterday afternoon; she was not ready to leave. She can't wait til she goes back tomorrow! She's so cute!!! Well, today is Daniel's first whole day of school, so hopefully I can have some pictures of that up before too long!


I realize it's been quite awhile since I've blogged. Part of that is because last week my sister came in town with her 2 kids! I was quite excited that she actually made it in. Every time thusfar, that she has planned to come for a visit something would happen in the last minute (usually her or a child would get sick). Well, as expected, we had a blast! I love my sisters. Anyway...her last day here our church was taking their last trip of the summer to Lake Winnipesaukee (Lake Winnie for short). It's basically an amusement park for kids....kinda like a supersized carnival. They do have one wooden roller coaster and a 150 foot free fall, but that's about it as far as really big rides. They have the motorcycles....
the swings....

the little bumblebees....
the ladybugs....
...and quite a few other rides like those for the little kids. Jordan, Austin, and Ashlynn especially loved those things. Daniel and Lily also had fun on those things, but there were quite a few other rides that were a step up from those that they could ride by themselves...(the kiddie roller coaster, the elephants that go pretty high, the gi-normous know...things I couldn't get a good picture of b/c they're too high up). They felt very big. Here is one ride only Daniel was tall enough for. It was like a mini-freefall. He really liked that.
Those are his little feet dangling up there. Jason and I also took all the kids on the boat schute. That ride was a big hit for the kids. And my sister sat around and watched...since she's 7 months pregnant. She had a lot of fun in the 100 degree weather. After we had done everything once, we let the kids pick out the things they wanted to do again. I think Austin may have rode the motorcycles 5 times in a row.
Little Ashlynn's pigtails didn't quite make it the whole day.
Anyway...the kids had an absolute blast even though it was miserably hot. And we had such a fun time having all of them in town. This week we've started school.....that's right SCHOOL!!!!! My baby boy is in Kindergarten this year. I absolutely cannot believe it. I will be posting about that next.
Oh, and p.s. Can I PLEASE just say that I HATE potty-training? Ok, thanks. :)

Consider God's Ways ~ Psalm 119:57-64

I considered my ways and turned my feet to Your testimonies.

Psalm 119:59

How often do we watch where we are going? We are careful to watch our steps when we hike, walk through a parking lot, dodge people at the mall or when we march up the stadium on a Friday night. The question is are we watching our steps when it comes to our morality?

How we live, act and respond to life affects the people around us. But more so, are you considering how your lifestyle is affecting your relationship with God? That is the ultimate question. We are created to be God worshippers...but how can we truly worship God while living contrary to His word? The answer is we can't.

Consider what you are doing and adjust your ways to God's Word.

HIS life, HIS glory!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Be Revived ~ Psalm 119:49-56

This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your word has revived me.

Psalm 119:50

There are many things in life that bring me comfort. My family, friends, pillows, food and so much more. But what brings me comfort when I am faced with affliction (a.k.a.: trouble, hardship, difficulty)?

As I was growing up I experienced a few accidents along the way. I have had stitches, broken bones and bruises. I found comfort from my pain with medicines and bandages. But those medicines and bandages could not relief emotional or spiritual troubles/pains/hardships.

When David says "Your word has revived me", it is a remembrance of God's promises. God's word is always true and can always be trusted. The reason we can be revived by Scripture is because it is the promise of God to us. He will give us peace, comfort, love, endurance and so much more as we need.

Knowing Scripture, is knowing the promises of God. Know them, trust them & live by them.

HIS life, HIS glory!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Not Ashamed ~ Psalm 119:41-48

I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings and shall not be ashamed.

Psalm 119:46

There are many things in life that scare us; heights, darkness, tight places, snakes, etc. Esp. in the USA, what scares us about being bold for Christ? Why do we allow people's opinions about us dictate so much of what we do or don't do? How often do we encounter a majestic God and keep that experience hidden from family and friends? I think sharing the gospel (and experience of God) with others is similar to swimming. My oldest son is learning to swim without water wings. The more he practices the better he gets. I wonder if the same is true with sharing Christ with others...the more we shared the easier it would become? After reading the book of Acts, I believe this is true. In Acts we see the faith of the Christians grow with each chapter. Their fear of death, pain and persecution melts away.

If we spend our days waiting to "magically" become bold for Christ...we'll be waiting for a long time. Our boldness will come from living out Christ's command to share Him with the nations. As we seek to live out God's Word, He'll empower us with boldness by the Holy Spirit. Let us trust Him as we proclaim Him.

HIS life, HIS glory!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Products of Lifestyle ~ Psalm 119:33-40

Establish Your word to Your servant, as that which produces reverence for You.

Psalm 119:38

Everything produces a result. The activities we choose to participate in will produce a specific outcome in our lives. If we desire to have reverence/respect/love towards God, then His Word needs to be established in our hearts. What are the activities/focuses of your life producing? What outcome do you desire for your life? If you desire a life that is pleasing to God, it must be established (rooted) in God's Word.

Notice that David refered to himself as "Your servant". How do you view yourself? A servant was the lowest of positions in the times of King David. Are you humble enough to be considered a servant? Are you willing to do the work of a servant? A servant belongs to his/her master and responses to their every command. Are you a faithful servant of Christ?

HIS life, HIS glory!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Choice ~ Psalm 119:25-32

I have chosen the faithful way; I have placed Your ordinances before me.

Psalm 119:30

Life is full of choices. Today we'll choose what to wear, where to go, who to hang out with, what to eat, etc. Unless we wake up and decide to follow Christ with all our hearts, then the day is meaningless. All of life is an opportunity to worship Christ. The question is: "what way of life have we chosen today?"

David states here that he has "chosen the faithful way." It could also read, "chosen the way of truth." John 14:6 reminds us that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God's "ordinances" lead us to Jesus. If we want to be walking down the "faithful way", we must be walking to Jesus. Jesus is reveal to us in all of Scripture, therefore, we need to place the ordinances (words) of God before us.

Choose to be's a choice we must make every morning when we wake.

HIS life, HIS glory!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Godly Encourager ~ Psalm 119:17-24

Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.

Psalm 119:18

God's word is a treasure of wisdom. But how often do we really thing of God's "law" as wonderful? In our culture it seems that "laws" are viewed in a negative sense. Example: they focus on what we can't do rather than what we can do with our freedoms. The question is how do we view God's "law"? Is it a list of don'ts or words of life? Are they given to keep us from having fun or given that we may have an abundant life? God's word is not ment to hinder us but the set us FREE! We were created to be worshippers. God's word sets us free to worship Him in truth and in spirit. So simply put, the Scripture helps us become who we were ment to be.

Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors.

Psalm 119:24

Where do we go for wisdom, advice and insight? Typically we turn to friends, family, pastors, prayer, talk shows and the like. All these things can be good and very helpful. Godly advice is needed from our friends and family. But our greatest counselor is God's word. I often find myself praying about issues and forgetting to search the Scripture. Prayer and Bible study should go hand and hand as we seek to navigate through life. When we have a hard time understanding even after prayer and Bible study, God has blessed us with the Body of Christ to help encourage and guide us. God's word is our greatest counselor...therefore, surround yourself with people that will guide you according to God's word. Are you delighting in His word, so that you can be a godly encourager?

HIS life, HIS glory!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Treasure the Word ~ Psalm 119:9-16

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You.

Psalm 119:11

God's word is so much more than a list of dos and don'ts. Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). By living our lives according to God's design (Word) we experience the fullness of His love, peace, joy, endurance and so much more. Just as guard rails protect us as we drive next to the egdes of mountains and clifts, so does God's word protect us from the dangers of life (sin).

For where your treasure is, their your heart will be also.

Luke 12:34

In order to say as David, "Your word I have treasured in my heart..." we must love God's word. The things of life we value and put the most time into will be the things we treasure most. If you desire for God's word to be your must be most valued in your life. Time must be spent reading God's word and as you do, you'll begin to develop a love for His word.

Pleasing Christ is our highest priority...we've learned in Psalm 119:11 it begins with hiding God's word in our hearts.

HIS life, HIS glory!


Seeking Christ ~ Psalm 119:1-8

How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart.

Psalm 119:2

How can we seek HIM will all our heart without going before HIS throne and learning HIS ways?

Good communication is key to any relationship. Therefore, prayer (talking with God) and Bible study (listening to God) are essential to a follow of the LORD. But we just can't stop at talking and listening...we must put into practice those things the Holy Spirit reveals to us (see James 1:22).

If you are truly "seeking" Christ with "all" your'll desire to make HIS name great among the nations. Walk with HIM, talk with HIM and proclaim HIS glory with they way you live your life.

HIS life, HIS glory!!!